
Friday, August 20, 2010

Books help me escape Jersey Shore nonsense

I have been avoiding the computer lately. With a website and a blog, that's not the best way to stay ahead of the competition. But, every time I'm on the computer, I check Facebook. And lately every time I check Facebook, some soon to be deleted friends have been quoting Snooki and Mike the Situation. After screaming at my computer over that insanity, I decided it would be best for my sanity and blood pressure to avoid the computer and just read.

I began re-reading La Storia. In my opinion, it is the seminal Italian American history book. Don't get me wrong, books like Richard Gambino's Blood of my Blood and Vendetta are fantastic- but neither come close to the depth and breadth of La Storia.

Without giving away the book's angle, the best way to describe what it does is show that after a millennium of subjugation and oppression by foreign (and domestic) forces, millions of Italians fled to America ( amongst other places) and shined very brightly within a few years of their arrival.

Anyone who wants a closer look at Italian immigration, or to better understand their ancestors should definitely pick up this book. It is available from Amazon for less than $15.

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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