
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spotted: Italian Stereotypes from Klement Sausages

Guido is #3 - in case you couldn't tell

  A dedicated user sent us the following e-mail: 

"I am very upset to find out that Klement's Sausage Company has a racing sausage for the Milwaukee Brewers named GUIDO.The sausage is an Italian sausage and I find this to be a very offensive name. Please let me know your thoughts."

Being a baseball fan, I have always known about the Milwaukee Brewer's "sausage race." I also knew there was an Italian sausage involved. However, I never knew they had names (silly me.) Apparently, the Italian sausage is named, " Guido." This is a proper Italian name - and at first glance, doesn't appear to be offensive. That is, of course, until you find out the names of the other sausages.

 Italian Sausage: Guido
Polish Sausage: Stosh
German Sausage: Brett Wurst
Mexican/Spanish Sausage: Cinco
American Sausage: Frankie Furter

Our research reveled that the sausages' names are puns - not true ethnic names. For example, rather than naming the German sausage "Dirk" or "Felix" they chose "Brett Wurst." The Mexican/Spanish sausage wasn't named, "Julio." They chose, "Cinco." Only the Italian sausage was given a true ethnic name - that also doubles as a derogatory term for Italians. 

Here's the first Google result for the name, "Stosh":

Pictured: Being Normal

 Now here's the first Google result for the name, "Guido": (possibly NSFW)

Pictured: Shame
 We think the internet has spoken: Guido is officially (and undoubtedly) an offensive term for Italians.

The naming of the Italian sausage does appear to be intentional - they chose a name with a double meaning. The Italian sausage's alternative meaning is highly offensive while the others are "cute." One simple question remains: Why?

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