
Friday, October 24, 2014

Are Italians Romans?

A mural of a Roman soldier (left) has been said to resemble Sylvester Stallone

In doing research for an upcoming article on The Sopranos, we encountered a scene that truly grabbed our attention:

In the scene, Tony Soprano is, “business” with a Hasidic man. Let's just say, the two are combative with one another. During the course of their discussion, the Hasidic man begins talking about Jewish perseverance. He references the Siege of Masada (an event where less than 1,000 Jews held their own against multiple Roman legions for years – before committing mass suicide.)

In the exchange, the Hasidic man says to Tony:

“For two years, 900 Jews held their own against 15,000 Roman soldiers. They chose death before enslavement. And the Romans? Where are they now?”

Tony replies: “You're looking at them, asshole.”

This scene made us realize something: When we learn about Italian history in our schools, there seems to be a disconnect between being Italian and being Roman. History books and lessons seem to gloss over the fact that the inhabitants of Italy were the first Romans, had preferred status in the empire and continue to be the best, modern and direct link to the Romans.

History books essentially declare Romans “dead” after the fall of Rome – and they are not mentioned again. It's as if all the Romans in Italy disappear around 400 AD and are replaced by some new, strange people called Italians. Basically, we're taught that there is no continuity between Roman and modern Italy – which is so very, very wrong.

Conversely, the same cannot be said of the modern Greeks – who are readily associated with ancient Greeks. We always hear about how Greeks gave the world why don't we focus on what ancient Italians (Romans) gave us? Here are some the reasons we believe contribute to this misguided history:

1. All Italians were Romans – But not all Romans were Italian.

Confusing, we know. But, this may clear things up: think of the Roman Empire as America. People from any of the 50 states are considered Americans. The same was true of the Empire. You could be a Roman from any area of the Empire, just like you can be an American from any state.

Here's where things get tricky: for much of its history, Rome was very stingy with granting people full citizenship. So, it was very difficult for people from the outer provinces to attain full Roman citizenship. However, people born in Italy (from the northern alps to the rocky beaches of Calabria) were given full Roman citizenship from the start, no questions asked. Why? Because Italy is where it all started – and the first Romans were natives of Italy.

2. The Names are Not the Same

As simple as this may sound – we believe it holds true. The fact that Italians did not retain the name “Romans” is a major factor in why there is a disconnect between Roman and Italian history.

So, if native Italians were the first, true Romans – why weren't they called Romans after the fall of the empire?

Good question. The term “Roman” denoted one's citizenship to the empire. However, it did not indicate where in the empire you were born. For example, the same way you can be an American from New York you could be a Roman from Spain. So, when the empire no longer existed, people were no longer citizens of Rome. They were, however, residents of their proper areas.

Italy's ancient name was Italia. Britain's ancient name was Brittania. France's name was ... Gaul. Sorry to ruin the continuity here! (NB – Why didn't France use the same logic as other areas? Because Gaul was actually conquered by a confederation of Germanic tribes called the Franks after the fall of Rome. France owes its name to them.)

Naming conventions got a bit tricky after the fall of Rome. That does not negate the “Roman-ness” of the people who founded the Roman Empire (Italians.)

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3. Italy wasn't Destroyed after the fall of Rome

Popular belief holds that Italy was sacked and occupied by multiple forces after the fall of Rome. This is unequivocally false. Groups like the Byzantines, French, Spanish, Normans and Moors all claimed areas of Italy at one point or another...but did they really occupy and conquer it and its people? Nope.

Contrary to popular belief, all of Italy is considered a “genetic island.” According to recent research, there are only two “genetic islands” in all of Europe. A genetic island is a large area or country that possesses a uniform gene pool. This means that Italy has one of the most unvarying gene pools in all of Europe. Locals in Northern Italy are extremely genetically similar to people in Southern Italy, and the same goes for east and west.

If Italy were occupied, conquered and pillaged by all of the above named peoples – Italy would not have such unvarying, uniform genes. Why? Because the alleged conquerors were from widely different areas of the globe – with their own, unique genetic markers. The only way to explain why those “conquerors” genes are not in Italy's gene pool is to conclude that they did not conquer and occupy the way many people think.

The more likely scenario for Italy's history is that it possessed strategic value. As a result, many forces sought to possess it lands – only to fail a short time thereafter. For example, everyone loves to talk about the Muslim conquest and influence of Sicily. ( Extremely NSFW video)

Would you be surprised if we told you that Muslim invaders spent 100 years trying to conquer Sicily and then only possessed it for only 100 years after that? You may also be surprised to find out that after the Muslims fell in Sicily, they were all rounded up and expelled from the island.

Yes, the Muslims and a slew of others held possessions in Italy - and left cultural fingerprints on the society. But possessing a land does not mean you conquered its people. A basic example of this could be found in US history. For decades, the US possessed a huge chunk of land west of the Mississippi...but that did not mean it had conquered the natives of that land. In fact, the US had barely made contact with them.

So, when you hear things about Italy being sacked and pillaged by outsiders – take it with a grain of salt. Italy was more strategic than alluring and it saw its fair share of people just passing through – or warring with third parties.


Italy and its inhabitants are the direct descendants of the Romans. Our lineage and bloodlines founded the Roman Empire and somehow have remained more or less intact to the present day. Although the Middle Ages were not necessarily kind to Italy – it did pave the way for the Renaissance, which you guessed it, began in Italy.

We are the continuation of a great people and history. Marvel at your people's accomplishments and the impact they have had on our world. Not many cultures have similar stories.

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  1. I enjoyed the article but the movies you referenced perpetuate negative Italian-american stereotypes and detracted from your points.

  2. "Groups like the Byzantines, French, Spanish, Normans and Moors all claimed areas of Italy at one point or another...but did they really occupy and conquer it and its people? Nope. "

    What about the Germans? They possessed all of northern Italy until 1945 and installed Mussolini as a puppet in a German puppet state in Northern Italy. The Germans possessed Sicily until 1943, when the Allies drove them out. The Germans were able to successfully retreat from Sicily into Italy after it fell and the Allies had a helluva of a fight on their hands until 1945. The Allies held southern Italy with help of a co-belligerent government in Italy that was loyal to the Allies until the end of the war. The Germans surrendered in 1945 and the parts of Europe that were occupied and under their control were reverted back to the original owners, save for Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, East Germany, and Albania which became communist dictatorships. There were communists in Italy that wanted Italy to ally with the USSR, but that failed. Italy was allied with the west during the Cold War and they wanted to remain with the United States and NATO. Italy's monarchy was voted out of power in 1946 and a Republic was established. The monarchy collaborated with Mussolini's regime and was not particularly well liked by the Italian people. I wonder if there are people in Italy who want the monarchy back.

    1. Bro. Lol. This is the worst take I’ve ever seen on here. Do you actually think a 2 year military puppet occupation changes the entire genetic makeup of a country? As an Italian myself, I am well aware the Germans occupied our country in WW2. Mussolini basically volunteered Italy to be a puppet state towards the end of 1943, until the Allies and Italian resistance fully liberated Italy in 1944. The German occupation of Italy at the of WW2 was extremely short lived, and in the long term, irrelevant. We know by 1945 the Russians were raping the shit out of Berlin, and quite frankly, they deserved every bit of it. The Germans thought they could just go in to countries like Italy, USSR, and the rest Eastern Europe, rape, murder, destroy, loot, plunder and commit genocide with no repercussions? The Romans ruled the southern part of Germany until the Western Roman Empire’s collapse in 476 CE. The Romans ruled German land west of the Rhine and south of the Danube. And that wasn’t an irrelevant 1-2 year occupation that changed nothing about the countries landscape. The Romans changed the land there forever, many Roman landmarks and structures can still be seen today in the regions I mentioned. And the Romans ruled these areas of Germany for almost 500 years. And don’t start with that pathetic weharboo shit about “tHe GeRmAnS pUt Up A hElLuVa fIgHt”, or “tHeY fOuGhT tHe EnTiRe WoRlD” bullshit. Lol. It took a mere 6 years to defeat what was supposedly the most powerful military in the world. Germany wasn’t just defeated, they were wiped off the face of the earth and split in 4 lol. Sorry for the tangent, but it’s just sickening, sad, and disappointing so see that there are still Wehraboo trolls out there. I guess drink and smoke while you’re pregnant, and out comes a kid who becomes a Wehraboo
