
Friday, February 11, 2011

An All Italian Race for New York Governor

 Italian Americans just experienced the epitome of the American dream, and not a word of press was written about it. Of course, I'm talking about the 2010 New York election for Governor. It was historic for our community, and the media turned a complete blind eye to it. Why was it historic? The three major candidates were ALL Italian- Cuomo, Paladino and Lazio.

Do you know what “news” there was of this? Zero. No hype or talk of anything of the sort. What we achieved was nothing short of impossible- an all ethnic race for governor. And yet, the press “missed” it. Do you know what they didn't miss during the same time period? Jersey Shore and Johnny Meatballs.

I wrote about the 2010 race for New York Governor and how historic it was for Italians. My research for the article just made me depressed. In 235 years of NY Governorships, only 2 Italians held office. This, despite the fact that New York had the largest Italian population of any state (and still does) for the last 120 years of that office.

I even found out that you couldn't really count the first man to hold office- Charles Poletti in 1942. He was Lieutenant Governor, and took over when Governor Lehman stepped down. Lehman stepped down with 29 days left in his term, and Poletti had no chance of even having an election campaign.

The only full Italian to hold the office was Mario Cuomo. He did so for 12 years. For reasons I used in the article, I omitted George Pataki- he never identified himself as Italian- he identified himself as a mix, and properly so.

So, to have the highest office in New York suddenly flooded with Italian candidates, in my book, is historic. But the media didn't see it that way. And, I'm certain that if any other ethnic/racial group x dominated an election and represented all major candidates, books would be written about it and social commentaries would soar.

Moments like this make you take a good, long look in the mirror as an Italian American. Our leaders should have played this up- it should have been lauded. Instead, fine organizations that make the media- like UNICO, used their media connections to lambast Snooki. How a Cuomo or a Lazio could lose their priority to a Snooki is beyond comprehension.

As Italian Americans, you should always be aware of stereotypes, but you should always focus on the positive. Focusing on the negative gets you nowhere. And as UNICO and the other organizations proved, it will cause you to lose perspective and “miss” a historic moment.


  1. You talk about New York's 235-year history, but there were virtually no Italians there for the first hundred years plus. Then you've got to figure in at least two generations for the descendants of immigrants to "make it" in America and get to a point educationally and economically where they can run for governor. Now you're down to under a hundred years of NY political history in which Italians could reasonably be expected to participate.

    So an Italian has been governor of NY for 12 years out of, say, 90, or ~13% of the time. Another way to look at it is that in those 90 years there have been 14 governors, and 2 have been Italian, which is ~14%. Today, Italians make up ~14% of the population of NY state. It seems to me like they're right on track, even more so if you factor in Smith and Pataki's Italian ancestry.

    Maybe the reason this "all ethnic race for governor" has been ignored is that there's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary about it. It's not "historic" or "impossible", it's just business as usual in America.

  2. Italianthro, I really thought I wrote an article you would have agreed with. I went through my checklist: don't mention stereotypes, speak bad about Italian organizations that harp on stereotypes, talk about hard data. I guess my formula is a bit off.

    Anyway- races like this are never dominated by one ethnic group, especially in New York. I have checked, there has yet to be one high office position in the country that had one election year dominated by "ethnics." So, this is historic from that standpoint.

    Your argument about why we're experiencing political power now is uneven. We weren't a small ethnic group that came here in significant numbers for a year or two. We were a major ethnic force and carried with us political power. So, the success that we have experienced is disproportionate to the numbers that we came here with.

    Case in point: Jewish people came here at approximately the same time as us (and in smaller numbers). If you look at their political achievements (cabinet positions and public office positions) since their arrival- it dwarfs what Italians have achieved.

    I am not going all "conspiracy theory" here. I am just saying that, even if it is as you say, there should have been more discussed about this achievement. And, Italian organizations that make their living "representing us" should have stopped burning Snooki in effigy and made a big deal about it. Political races are rarely dominated by one ethnic group, and this would have been a great time to show off Italian achievement. Instead, they chose to ignore this and continue their crusade that no one cares about.

  3. I don't agree with any of your articles, because all you ever do is whine about stupid things. Even when you claim to be "focusing on the positive", you still complain. You love "burning Snooki in effigy" and you support "crusades that no one cares about", so you've got nobody to blame but yourself (and other Anti-Def people like you) for the Italian organizations' priorities.

    As for your "case in point", proportionally, Jewish achievement dwarfs every other American ethnic group's achievement, including the native WASPs, so that's a very dishonest and self-serving analogy. Try a more reasonable comparison to the Irish or Polish and you'll see that Italians are doing just fine, maybe even better in some cases.

  4. I will hold "anti- def" people accountable when I feel they should be held accountable. Here, I feel that they missed a great opportunity to display some of the positives of our culture.

    If you don't think that Italians are being stereotyped in the media, even in the slightest sense, then you are living a delusion. I won't force the ideology on you, or berate you until you see it my way. You don't see it the way I or many others do, and that's fine. You're entitled to your opinion.

    My analogy was not self serving. The Irish have achieved more politically and the Polish did not come here in the numbers that we did. So, you're example is bunk.

    If you want to have intelligent discourse, I'm open to it. But, you don't see me trolling your questionable entries on your blog, and calling your material "whining about stupid things." If you don't like what is being written here, you are more than welcome to not view and/or comment on it.

  5. You are "anti-def people", so hold yourself accountable. And you know, you may want to think twice before chasing away one of the only commenters on this blog. It might be hard for you to believe, but not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.

    Your Jewish comparison was ridiculous, and I specifically explained why. As for mine, the reason the Irish have "achieved more" than Italians is because there are twice as many of them (31 million vs. 16 million), and they came to America a good 20-40 years earlier. Just like Poles have "achieved less" because there are fewer of them (9 million). Obviously, you have to adjust for those facts when making a comparison. I thought you would figure that out on your own, but I guess not.

    And it isn't that I "don't think that Italians are being stereotyped in the media", it's that I don't care. Every ethnic group is stereotyped in the media in the name of entertainment. I don't have a problem with that, especially when they bring it on themselves (e.g. Italian filmmakers making mafia movies, Guidos playing themselves on reality shows etc.). There are more important things to be concerned about, even on this topic -- for example, stereotypes in the real world that are created by outsiders and run contrary to reality, like on Italian immigrant criminality/poverty or Northern and Southern Italian IQ.

  6. I have people contact me in various ways- website, email and facebook. If people want to comment on something here, they are more than welcome to. Don't think that just because you spout nonsense it must be widely believed because no one commented with an opposing view. Did you ever think (spoiler alert) that people read your comments and ignore them because they are nonsense? Do you really think your comments are that thought provoking and intelligent?

    I am an outlet for all things Italian- stereotypes included. And that goes for Italians acting in conformity with stereotypes as well. I don't know what planet you live on where stereotypes portrayed by the ethnic group aren't really stereotypes. So, I guess Will Smith could start performing in Minstrel shows across the south, and the Black community would have to be ok with it on Italianthro's planet. Your arguments make no sense whatsoever.

    That goes for your nonsense about the Poles and Irish. I provided information about Jewish people's political success and you COMPLETELY IGNORED IT because it was "convenient." A fact could be both true and convenient- the two traits are not mutually exclusive. You hate it when someone has facts that you can't refute- so you ignore them. Brilliant strategy.

    If you "don't care" about Italian stereotypes in the media, you sure could have fooled me. You seem to have a lot to say about a subject you don't care about.

  7. Yes, I'm sure you have legions of followers, and I don't doubt that they would all take your side, but any objective reader can see that you've struggled to argue against my "nonsense". Let's recall that our last two debates ended when I presented "facts that you can't refute" (and this one is headed in the same direction). You seem to be a little confused about how things went down.

    I didn't ignore a damn thing. I explained to you that Jews are a special case. They outperform EVERYONE, so they can't be used as a point of reference against which to measure Italian achievement -- or anyone else's for that matter. However, the Irish and Polish (and other more typical ethnic groups like them) can. That's exactly what I did, but you ignored it and focused instead on a single, highly unusual ethnic group because reality proves your whiny bullshit wrong.

    And your analogies just keep getting dumber -- always falling back on absurd comparisons with blacks. A minstrel performer is NOT the same as a Guido or a mobster. Most of them weren't even black, and they occupy an entirely different historical context. An actual equivalent would be something like a thuggish rapper or a gangbanger. And guess what? Those "stereotypes" are all over the media too! So once again, you have no point.

    I have a lot to say about anti-def idiots who whine constantly about Italian stereotypes in the media, not the stereotypes themselves. If you didn't get that, then you must be easily fooled.

  8. My problem with you is multi-faceted. You bark out comments like a military drill instructor and when someone replies logically you tell them that their response is absurd.

    You stated specifically that when an ethnic group portrays a stereotype, that is not a stereotype. When I replied with the minstrel comment, you lambasted me for the sole purpose of being contrary. A minstrel show- which propagated stereotypes of african americans as downright dumb is exactly what portrayals of Vinny Barbarino and Joey Tribbiani are to Italians. Stop mincing words and being a sheep- a stereotype is a stereotype, regardless of how you slice it.

    Moreover, your refutation of my analogy with your replacement is nonsensical. Legitimate, educated, hard working black people HATE the stereotype of the thug rapper. The only difference between what I'm speaking about and what they speak about is that someone actually listens to them and mutes those portrayals considerably. Or, in the very least, balances portrayals out to incorporate every aspect of black life. You want to be ok with Italian stereotypes because an Italian is perpetrating it? Go right ahead. That's the dumbest argument I've ever heard.

    The link you provided, as to why Jewish people succeed more, is possibly the funniest thing I've ever read. Way to use nonsense IQ tests like Richard Lynn to prove a point. Jewish people succeed more because they have higher IQs than the rest of us? What does that have to do with political success, exactly? If you'll remember, my argument was over an ethnic group's political power and success. You don't need to be the sharpest tool in the shed to be politically powerful.

    Don't mistake my not responding to you as my backing down from your nonsense. People do have lives outside of blogging, Italianthro. Only an Alpha male like you, who has to beat his opponent into submission to declare victory, would take silence as a win.

    Academia is not about "beating people into submission." Its about enlightenment and intelligent discourse. You coming here, and making comments like "I have a lot to say about anti-def idiots," "your analogies keep getting dumber," and my favorite "this is whiny bullshit," prove that you are here for the battle, not exchanging knowledge.

    Lastly, you have ignored the crux of this post- this is historic. You were quick to spout off about how this wasn't an historic election. It was the only time something has ever happened in our state and possibly American society. That qualifies as historic- or at the very least deserves some recognition. It does not get filed under your famous diary entry of, "I don't care"

  9. Sorry, but an Italian playing a mobster, or a Guido just being himself, is not the same as a white person painting his face and mocking black people. If you can't see that, then I don't think anyone can help you with your delusions. My replacement analogy stands. As much as certain black people may dislike thug rappers, they continue to thrive in the media. There are little things in this world called reality and accountability. Guidos and mobsters really exist and they're Italian. They have to answer for themselves. You can't blame the artists and entertainers (Italian or otherwise) who use them as subjects.

    It's well known that Jews have high IQs and excel far beyond other ethnic groups in a number of fields. Richard Lynn and his made-up IQ scores have nothing to do with it. But if you're just talking about the governorship of New York, then there have been 2 Jewish governors, and NY currently has a population of ~1.7 million Jews. Now with Andrew Cuomo, there have been 3 Italian governors representing ~2.8 million Italians. So the ratio is 1.2 vs. 1.1 -- big effing difference.

    Nice try to save face, but let's be real here. You were silenced in the other debates because I refuted every single one of your absurd claims with logic and evidence, often using your own (misread) sources against you.

    And since you've decided to psychoanalyze and lecture me about my behavior, let me return the favor. Stop and look at what you're doing in this thread. You're arguing passionately in favor of Italian failure. You secretly want them to fail and not measure up to other ethnic groups because that provides your excuse to complain about discrimination and stereotypes and whatever other nonsense you're obsessed with. Evidence that Italians are doing just fine is your enemy, and you won't listen to it. You're incapable of focusing on the positive, as you claim we all should. And when there's nothing negative to whine about, you simply make something up. The anti-defamation crowd is supposed to be defending Italians, but who's going to defend them against the anti-defamation crowd?

  10. If anyone is delusional, its you. Minstrel shows also had Black people wearing black face and red lipstick for the amusement of whites. I can't make it any clearer as to why my analogy fits so well here.

    Did I say that Italian gangsters and mobsters (or artists) don't have to answer for themselves? I've said it time and again- and its something you simply don't agree with. When I said Italians should police themselves, what did you actually think I meant- literally making their own cop cars and jailing people in their basements? I meant for them to behave themselves and be accountable for their actions.

    No one is trying to save face- any time someone has presented me with information that makes me change my own opinion, I'm mature enough to admit it and tell them so. I had nothing to say to you because you are infuriatingly obnoxious and I wanted to keep the tone of conversation civil.

    As I've stated in the past, and is plastered all over anything I do here, my focus is not Italian stereotypes. I don't believe organizations can be built on negativity. Making stereotypes the only things that matter is useless. I focus on all things Italian- particularly Italian achievement and influence. Are there times stereotypes take center stage? Absolutely. But, there are many more times positive stories are featured (between here and my site) than negative ones. That balance is vital- and is something I feel Italian organizations lack. Trying to tell me that I want Italians to fail or pale in comparison to other ethnic groups is akin to saying that PETA members hate it when animals are killed for commercial purposes, but love the taste of a good steak.

    Again, you missed the point of the article. I stated that it was historic namely because 1) it was dominated by Italian candidates and 2) No other ethnic group has dominated one particular high office election. You want to use ratios and statistics to tell me that this is what should be happening for Italians. I want to use logic and tell you that this has never happened before, and could signal a rise to Italian political power in the state.

  11. No, your analogy is retarded, just like all of your other analogies. You live in a fantasy world where Italians who immigrated here of their own free will and were white on arrival are equivalent to blacks who were brought here as slaves and didn't become full citizens until 1964. That leads you to the absurd notion that movies about the Mafia and shows about oversexed kids are equivalent to racist caricatures from the 1800s. They're not. Wake up!

    I said that real mobsters and real Guidos have to answer for themselves. You said that Italian artists and entertainers have to police (i.e. censor) themselves by not using mobsters or Guidos as subjects. Those are two entirely different things.

    Oh I got the "point" of this article. It was to once again berate the media (this time for a perceived slight), and to complain that Italians don't measure up (which they in fact do, as the statistics show). And for the record, both the New York Times and the New York Daily News made note of the candidates' ethnicity.

  12. Stop pointing to that same book, with a title that meshes well with your opinion. I remember it from my last encounter with you. Contrary to what you may think, I am not "retarded," and can retain thoughts and memories for a significant amount of time. I can just as easily (and have in our last encounter) cite facts, books and opinions that say Italians were not white, so we're even.

    Again, your knowledge of history is baffling. First, minstrel shows only portrayed white performers and now, blacks weren't made full citizens until 1964? You're joking right? Blacks were made full citizens with the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, which were passed during Reconstruction in the 1860s, and 70s. The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, which essentially closed 'loopholes' in the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments that allowed for segregation and certain discrimination. Blacks were full US citizens, through and through by the end of the 1870's. In fact, the Civil Rights Act was just a reassertion of the 14th amendment, and Congress' power to enforce Equal protection for all citizens, regardless of race, religion and so forth. Do not debate me on history or law, I will run rings around you.

    You're wrapped so tight on your planet that you continue to miss the point of the article. I asked for more coverage- specifically from Italian organizations. A blurb or two in a newspaper isn't going to cut it for me- especially when one of them has to mention the Sopranos and Jersey Shore and the other uses a misspelled Italian word in its first sentence, and mentions how Paladino uses words like Dago and Wop. Are you serious?

  13. Stop trying to dismiss "that same book". You remember it from our last debate, but you seem to have forgotten what it's about, and how I used it to prove you wrong. Let me refresh your memory: It's about how despite the bigotry Italians faced (as did all new immigrant groups), they were still legally white and enjoyed full civil rights as soon as they got here. That's a FACT that can't be refuted, no matter how many "opinions" you cite. So no, we're not "even". You lose...again.

    Um, if the Civil Rights Act was "a reassertion of the 14th Amendment", that means the 14th Amendment needed to be reasserted, which means that blacks weren't being granted the full rights of citizenship. Instead of going off on some semantics tangent to try to derail the discussion away from your absurd analogies, why don't you man up and admit that your "Italian discrimination = black discrimination" stance is idiotic nonsense. (And LOL at the idea of you ever "running rings around me" on any subject.)

    No, I guess nothing will ever "cut it" for you. No matter what, you'll always find something to complain about. That's just the anti-def mindset. And regarding those articles, did you even read them or did you just do a search for keywords that make you angry? The Sopranos and Jersey Shore are mentioned in reference to things the candidates themselves said and did during the campaign. One of the mentions is even an Italian state senator complaining about Mafia and Guido stereotypes just like you do. And again, Paladino has to answer for his use of slurs HIMSELF. It's not up to the newspapers, which are simply doing their job by reporting the facts. Actually, maybe I should make YOU answer for Paladino, since you're ignoring the facts and celebrating him in this article.

  14. I am not derailing the conversation- what you said was factually and historically wrong. There is no grey area here that is open to interpretation. The Civil Rights Act ensured that discrimination (specifically segregation) was not possible by manipulating the legal system through Jim Crow. Blacks were full fledged citizens by the mid 1870s at the latest- not the 1960s. You're off by close to 100 years. So, forgive me if I think I can run rings around the guy who thinks Blacks were only made full citizens in the 1960s.

    In my mind, discrimination is discrimination- any way you slice it. Were Italians enslaved? No. But, what type of standard is that to prove that there has been discrimination? By your logic, no other group can be discriminated against because they were not enslaved. Italians were wrongfully accused and convicted and had lynch-mobs attack them because they were Italian. That, to me and to many others, is discrimination.

    Discrimination doesn't only involve hangings and wrongful accusations- discrimination can be anything that puts anyone at a disadvantage on the basis of race, national origin, religion, etc. The media's role in this aspect of it cannot be ignored. You seem to like to defend Italians acting out stereotypes. How about an animation produced and voiced by William Shatner or an animated movie produced and created by Steven Spielberg? Does that rise to the level of 'discrimination' for you?

    Also of note-, CUNY (the largest city university system in the country) thought there was discrimination against Italians in their hiring practices- and made Italians a protected class. But I know, Italian discrimination doesn't exist.

    The only thing I celebrated about Paladino was his rise to the top of NY's Republican Party. I never said I agreed with what he said, his politics, or how he acted. Of course, I think he should be held accountable for his actions- but at this point Paladino being an all out idiot is well understood. I want to write about things not written about- not produce run of the mill garbage.

    The same way Paladino should be held accountable, the Cuomo family should be lauded for their efforts to get AP Italian reinstated nationwide. Again, we're about a diversity of information here, with positives being preferred.

  15. If you didn't get the obvious point of what I was saying, then you're either extremely dense or a damn liar. The Library of Congress gets it, which is why they apply the sentence "This was a major victory for civil rights advocates in the quest for full citizenship." to two anti-discrimination executive orders issued by President Truman in 1948. So please, stop playing these silly semantics games. They make you look pathetic.

    Sacco and Vanzetti were targeted because they were anarchists, and there's still no consensus among historians about whether they were guilty or innocent. The lynching in New Orleans was a case of vigilante justice fueled mostly by fears about the Mafia. But the court system itself showed no bias, acquitting all of the Italian murder suspects due to lack of evidence. The fact that you can only come up with a handful of examples that have major extenuating circumstances proves that incidents like that were isolated. And anyway, they don't change the legal status of Italians in America at the time, which was...well, you know.

    The Gavones and Shark Tale are cartoons that are parodying movies and characters created by Italians. Do you understand the concept of a parody? At the very most they depict stereotypes, albeit harmless ones. If you don't know the difference between stereotypes and discrimination, then I suggest you buy a dictionary.

    CUNY didn't "think there was discrimination against Italians". They caved in to pressure from Italians accusing them of discrimination. Big difference. And I guess you missed this recent article of mine where I explained that whole situation to confused morons who are so discrimination-happy that they haven't bothered to examine the facts. Suffice to say that the very best you can hope for is reverse discrimination -- i.e. discrimination against whites, which in the real world, no matter how much you may wish otherwise, includes Italians.

  16. What you don't understand, and never will, is that even if one book says Italians were labeled white, they were never treated as white. That goes from the populace to the Federal Government. No other "white" group has ever been denied entry into this country for decades. Is that poignant enough for you?

    Or, how about, when speaking about the lynchings in New Orleans, we remind ourselves that it was the largest mass lynching in US history. No other group-blacks included, faced something like that. To dismiss it like you have, as if it were on the bottom of Snapple Cap, is what is truly pathetic.

    I get it, Italianthro- you hate to think that we could be viewed as anything less than a great culture. But the reality is, we weren't when we got here and we still aren't in many parts of the country. You can say "Italians are white," but what you say and what America as a whole believes are two different stories.

    I recently received an e-mail from a half black, half Italian woman in SC. Do you know what she told me? Her family won't tell the community that she's half Italian. She then went on to say her "redneck" neighbors are racist and openly hostile to Italians. I am certain that they are openly hostile to many, blacks included. But that's not the point. The point is that for greater America, Italians aren't white. So, if I were you, I'd get over it and accept it.

    And for your information- Italians in Italy don't even consider themselves white. They are Latins. They were the first Latins, and that is a fact that even you cannot deny. They are not Anglos, by any stretch of the imagination- nor do they wish to be. This "whiteness" that you want us to so badly be a part of is an American social construct. The rest of the world would look at your argument and laugh.

    You love the phrase "caving into pressure," don't you? MTV "caved into pressure" and stopped making Italian references on Jersey Shore and now, CUNY "caved into pressure" and started hiring more Italians. Did it ever cross your mind that someone reviewed the cases before them and noticed that there was discrimination going on? Or is everyone pandering to the absolutely huge Italian lobby in America?

    Do me a favor and please read the Constitution- focusing on the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. Tell me where the "wiggle room" is for a black person to not be a full citizen. Blacks were full citizens in the 1860s. Segregation, which was the largest institution that discriminated against Blacks, was allowed to exist because its constitutionality was vague, especially when weighed against states rights. It took proper cases to make it to the Supreme Court to get rid of it. Segregation was not an extension of enslavement. Blacks could vote, work, earn money, travel freely between the states and own land after the 1860s. That is full fledged citizenship.

  17. Talking to you is like talking to a wall. That "one book" is not giving its opinion. It's stating the fact that Italians had the legal status of whites from the time they arrived in America. And your statement that they were the only whites to ever be denied entry into the country is false and shows your ignorance of history. First off, the Immigration Act of 1924 only denied entry to immigrants from Asia. Italian immigrants were just reduced in number, but so were those from other parts of Southern Europe as well as Eastern Europe. Your little game of one-upmanship to be "the most discriminated against" is sickening. Get help.

    The lynching may have been the largest in US history, but like I said, it was an isolated incident that was related to Mafia fears and more generalized anti-immigrant attitudes. Blacks were lynched on a regular basis because of the color of their skin and usually for reasons much less serious than suspected murder. Comparing 11 Italians to nearly 3500 blacks is absurd. And btw, those Italians were among about 1300 other whites lynched in the US between the 1880s and the 1960s.

    A bunch of dumb rednecks are not "America as a whole". Their opinion is totally irrelevant, as are the dubious ramblings of some mixed up mulatto. (Please keep emails from your stupid readers to yourself). Unlike you, I don't base my understanding of the world on how Italians are "viewed" by morons. I go strictly by the truth of how and what Italians really are. They're racially and genetically Caucasoid, geographically and culturally European, and they've always had the privileges of "whiteness" conferred on them by the US government. Those are the simple facts. The end.

    Who ever said Italians were Anglos? Your arguments are so bankrupt that you're now resorting to straw men. For your information, being Latin and being white are not mutually exclusive, and when you're talking about Latins from Europe, the two are synonymous. Europeans in general don't focus on race the way Americans do for obvious historical reasons. They identify first and foremost by nationality. However, they know what race they belong to, which is why an Italian politician referred to Rosarno, Calabria as "the only wholly white town in the world" following race riots there that led to mass deportations of foreigners.

    There was discrimination at CUNY -- reverse discrimination. Then there's also the fact that CUNY sucks and most Italian academics simply don't want to work there. Please read this article carefully before you say anything more on the subject and make a complete fool of yourself.

    Do me a favor and drop the "1860s full citizenship" semantics nonsense. You had your ass handed to you on that courtesy of the Library of Congress. The best thing you can do now is keep your mouth shut.

  18. It will be a cold day in hell when you ever "hand my ass to me." I asked you to read the Constitution, which obviously, is a tall order for someone like you. You clearly know nothing of how this country works- nor do you care.

    Yes. You're right- the 11 Italians that were killed over their ethnicity and a fear of the mafia were meaningless. Silly me. Sacco and Vanzetti were anarchists. But, if they were American anarchists, they would have gotten a fair shake. And, the jury is not out on whether they were responsible. Michael Dukakis, then Governor, created Sacco and Vanzetti Memorial Day, stated that they were unjustly tried and convicted and urged people to remove the shame and dishonor associated with their names. But, I know- they only do that for guilty people. In fact, I heard Wisconsin is making Jeffrey Dahmer Memorial Day, and Florida is following that up with a Ted Bundy Festival.

    Moreover, if you think that I'm going to have you continually berate me (and now my readers) you have another thing coming. YOU know more than the people experiencing it everyday? YOU are a shameless fool. Further, I'm not going to have have you refer to someone as "mixed up mulatto" and dismiss their statements as a result. You are a plague on academia, and intelligent thought processes.

    Also, you mentioned that Italians always had rights conferred to them. Interesting- because that, for you, is not essential for Blacks to be considered full citizens. Blacks became full citizens after the Civil War, with the same rights conferred to them as to Italians. But, in your mind- Italians couldn't be discriminated against with the same laws protecting them as the blacks? Which is it? Either there is room for discrimination in the laws passed, or there is not. Make up your mind. You are a superb double talker.

    Take your genetically fueled nonsense agenda and go troll another site. I've had it with you. And by the way, being an arrogant, obnoxious fool who people do not want to talk to does not mean you've won a debate. It means you're insufferable. Furthermore, you're vulgar- and there is no room for vulgarities in intelligent discourse. But you lack the intelligence to carry on such discourse, anyway. So, I can't necessarily fault you.

    I repeatedly told you that I would not tolerate insults and comments like "keep your mouth shut," " I base my views on morons," "my game is sickening and I need help."- and time and time again, you've crossed the line. You had your chance to keep the conversation going in a civil manner and you blew it. This game our yours is over. I won't allow you to post here anymore.
