
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

An Italian for President in 2012? Not If The Italic Institute Has Its Way

Rudy Giuliani ca. 2001

Sometimes, I think Italian American organizations are just as bad as Italian actors portraying Italian stereotypes on TV. Why? Because, they both do the same thing: shoot Italians in the foot socially and politically. And perhaps, the Italian organizations are even more to blame as they always blame the media about our portrayals, yet do very little to advance our own causes. Case in point: The Italic Institute

The Italic Institute, situated in Floral Park, NY  claims it is promoting the "Italic Way." Apparently, the Italic Way means that they can revile one of the most politically powerful Italian Americans during presidential election season.

Take the Italic Institutes brazen, all out attack on Rudy Giuliani. The institute's attack on Giuliani is nonsense- the institute wants to say its because he's "not a great Italian." They base this on the fact that he is hosting mob-week on AMC, and that in and of itself is "offensive."  Nothing could be further from the truth- Giuliani is THE ITALIAN that led a war against the Mafia and won. The reality is- the institute knows he's everything they had wished for in an Italian politician- they just hate his political party. Here are some excerpts:

Investor's Business Daily, June 22 2011 ( later picked up by the Washington Post)

"Nearly a decade after al-Qaida's horrific attack, Rudy's raison d'etre has vanished. President Obama terminated Osama bin Laden with extreme prejudice — thanks to the astute intelligence operation spearheaded by CIA Director (and soon-to-be Secretary of Defense) Leon Panetta"
**Ed. Note- Because I'm certain that with the death of Osama Bin Laden, every terroristic threat to America vanished. 9/11 forever changed America and American politics. Homeland defense is a #1 priority for both parties here. 

"Hizzoner is the mastermind who situated a $15.1 million emergency command post —with its 6,000-gallon tank of diesel fuel — at 7 World Trade Center. As for the evacuation plan, 9/11 commissioner John Lehman once described it as "not worthy of the Boy Scouts."
**Ed. Note- Derisive use of "hizzoner" does not negate the fact that Giuliani (nor Bloomberg) really have control over where emergency command posts are opened. Presidents and Mayors alike have advisers. Blame trickles up, not down in politics. Furthermore, 9/11 was so far out of the scope of anything anyone had ever imagined  that there would never had been a fool proof evacuation plan. Two of the world's largest builings collapsed in one of the world's largest citites. Chaos was going to ensue.

"And what of the former mayor's Manichaean worldview? His volatile temperament led to mean-spirited confrontations with the city council and the schools chancellor."
**Ed. Note- Oh no, a politician had a less than cordial meeting with adversaries? Does the Italic Institute really think that President Obama was being "nice" with Republicans behind closed doors for these budget meetings?

"Rudolph Giuliani should stick to being Sean Hannity's Fox News sidekick"
**Ed. Note- You know what? This line is totally uncalled for. This man was the Mayor of NYC for 8 years and completely re-gentrified the city. NYC was no longer the "Rotting Apple" that Giuliani inherited. And before he did that? He dealt a massive knockout punch to organized crime. So, this man is no one's "sidekick."  Have a little class.

But the article offers salvation for Italians who want an Italian president: wait for Democrat Andrew Cuomo in 2016. How convenient, and completely biased.

Mike the Situation- the Italic Institute would vote for you over Giuliani

So, why do I write this article? To let you know that if an organization says it is dedicated to "Italian advancement" you should always dig deeper to see if it is motivated by any ulterior motives. The only political motivation an Italian organization should have is to get an Italian, regardless of party, in the White House. I, for one, went into the NY governor's race content- it was an all Italian campaign. Likewise, I would be proud to have either a Cuomo or a Giuliani be referred to as "Mr. President" My bias, if any, is that I am Italian biased. These other organizations should follow suit and live up to their mission statements, rather than towing a party line.  Your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Once again, amazing and thoughtful article, keep up the good work! SNA
