
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Johnny Meatballs: His "fans" react to ItalianAware

Pictured: Johnny Meatball's fans wanting to harm us with pork cheeks

Over the past few days, our article on Johnny Meatballs has stirred up some controversy.  While Johnny Meatballs has been cordial in the e-mail exchanges (and we are in the process of scheduling an interview with him) - something strange has been occurring on his Facebook account. 

Guanciale: To be fair- it would be a delicious "bitch slap"

On Facebook, Johnny's friends have come out in defense of what they call, "Italian American culture." They have all gone into great detail about how this is a separate, distinct and unique culture that is not related to being Italian or being from Italy. In their minds, being Italian American means there is a complete disconnect with Italy, its language culture and customs.  ItalianAware believes this approach to be dangerous because it weakens the Italian community and prevents the furtherance of our true Italian history and customs. 

Italian Immigrants- Circa 1900

To be clear, ItalianAware does not deny that there is an Italian American culture- in fact, we love it. However- Italian American culture should not be considered a sub group or a different entity than proper Italian culture. Italy and its people gave rise to Italian America. To deny our ancestors a living connection between the past and present (between Italy and America) is a complete assault on who they were and what they were about. 

 What type of living connection are we speaking about? The history of Italy, its language and its people. That long and storied history courses through each and every Italian American's veins. For anyone to think that Italian Americans are not "connected" to Italy is simply being foolish. To dismiss thousands of years of art, poetry, empire, science and technology is to truly walk through life blind. Any Italian American who does not see themselves as a continuation of this long history is robbing not only himself- but future generations as well.

But, people like Johnny Meatballs and his friends on Facebook seem to think they are the standard bearers for a new culture founded in America. What is most alarming is that certain Johnny Meatballs fans have likened ItalianAware's position (that the Italian community should be unified- and should advance/protect traditional Italian customs & culture) to that of Hitler. Yes, that Hitler.
In what must be the most insane argument ever,  Johnny's friend Peter goes on to state that :

---Editor's Note: Comparing us to Hitler is a pretty cheap shot. Our message is, if they like to consider themselves Italian Americans- they should promote both the Italian and American aspects of their heritage. We're pretty sure Hitler left this chapter out of Mein Kampf.

Peter also goes on to say that:

---Editor's Note: If Peter had read any other articles on here aside from our post on Johnny Meatballs, he would know we've tackled the Mafia and its affect on Italians on numerous occasions.  He would also know about the results of research which indicate "criminals" in the Italian community amount to .0078% of the Italian population.

He continued:

---Editor's Note:  Martin Scorsese has portrayed Italians as an endless line of gangsters, murderers, crooks, corrupt cops, etc. As we've already indicated, an Italian criminal is a rare occurrence. But, according to Peter...if it is on the television, it must be true. Thank you for proving our point, Peter- Italian stereotypes are driven by the media. You believe that a "very large" segment of the Italian population is violent thugs and gangsters who beat their women.  So, in answer to your question: Yes, what Scorsese gave us was a skewed view on the status of the Italian community.

Peter still justifies his view of the mafia:

--- Editor's Note: We don't know how to respond to this in a way that would not make us seem like an accomplice. Just because you bought stolen goods from an Italian does not mean that all Italians are in possession of stolen goods. It also doesn't mean that all Italians are interested in buying stolen goods. Perhaps "Goodfellas culture" exists in your life- not every Italian's life.  

He concluded with this: 

--- Editor's Note: You think Martin Scorcese is a historian who is documenting Italian American truths. We guarantee you will not run circles around us in terms of intelligence.

Within that same thread- Johnny's friend Laura simply stated: 

---Editor's Note: Classy.



  1. I find it quite disheartening when a group such as ItalianAware are incredibly so self-righteous that they feel that they are in a position of authority to deem what is a True Italian and a "Dangerous Italian Stereotype"

    Simply put a True Italian whether from Northern Italy, Southern Italy, Brooklyn New York, Da'Bronx New York Queens New York, Pa, or New Jersey is all about their love and passion for their family, friends and life.

    Mr Johnny "MeatBalls" DeCarlo, with out a doubt is all that, and so much more.

    I had the pleasure of interviewing Johnny about a year ago on my show and here is what I learned about this man.

    Johnny lives with passion. He is in love with his wife and is a great husband. He is a terrific Dad to his two boys, he is a true friend to all his friends. Johnny is loved and respected. He is honest and hardworking. Johnny lives wish great passion and joy that is infecting . He is in many people's book, a "True Passionate Italian"

    I can guarantee this about Johnny DeCarlo, he would never take a cheap shot at any one, nor would he criticize any one for they way they live their lives.

    Heritage begins at Home, what we teach our children is the legacy and the heritage we leave for them to embrace their own lives as they become adults and take on their own families. I am 100% certain The DeCarlo Boys will grow in to fine loving, hardworking, family men due what their parents taught them about love passion and family. I have not one doubt about that in the least

    I find that ItalinAware preaches Prejudice and truly needs to open their narrow mindless thinking and appreciate the differences in all of Gods Children.

    Johnny "MeatBalls" DeCarlo is not only a true Italian but a True Human Being.

  2. With all due respect, the article that we wrote about Johnny Meatballs had nothing to do with his wife, children, friends or the size of his heart. It had to do with him portraying Italian stereotypes on a national stage. As we've stated earlier- we're sure Johnny is affable. However, being a nice guy does not negate the fact that what he does is advance stereotypes about our culture.

    Let's put things simply- Johnny feels he is acting as an "Italian" when he goes on the TV and posts videos. What he fails to realize is that non-Italians are watching him across the country. What they are learning from him is that Italians act like cartoon characters and have little respect or interest in the finer and more eloquent aspects of their heritage. This allows non-Italians to have a skewed perception of us, which in turn gives them the ability to stereotype us. It is a vicious cycle.

    What is more disheartening is that you seem to feel as if there is no place for the finer and more eloquent aspects of the Italian culture. You want to claim that you are Italian American, yet all you do is advance the American aspect of your culture- and ignore the Italian part. Saying "gabagool" does not make you Italian. What makes you Italian is your openness to learning proper Italian language, knowing the history of Italy and its people and maintaining traditions and customs. Being connected to Italy makes you Italian - ordering "pro-shoot, basanico, and moozadel" does not.

    A stereotype is created and advanced when a minor, miniscule attribute of select persons within a group is applied to the entire group. "There is an Italian Mafia" is not a stereotype. "All Italians are in the Mafia" is a stereotype. So, when Johnny Meatballs goes on to inform the public that all Italians talk like goombahs - and that there is little room in Italian America for understanding (and advancing) true, fine Italian culture, he is advancing a stereotype. You are essentially attacking us for saying "hey, don't forget about the Roman Empire and the Renaissance" Being Italian is far more than the Jersey Shore and Mob Wives. But, it appears this is a fact you've all too easily forgotten.

    You are correct- "Heritage begins at Home, what we teach our children is the legacy and the heritage we leave for them to embrace their own lives as they become adults and take on their own families."

    What legacy are we leaving our children when we tell them its proper to forget your ancestry and your homeland? What legacy are you protecting when you sit idly by as Italians are stereotyped in the national media without mercy? Your historical timeline begins with Italian immigration to America- and that is completely wrong. Our timeline began thousands of years ago- and has bore witness to some of the greatest artistic, architectural, scientific, religious and political accomplishments the world or any culture has ever seen. Yet, you want to preserve our legacy not by educating people on Roman history or Renaissance art but by protecting "goombah speak." You are narrow minded- not us.

    The Italian community is crumbling. Our language and history are under attack. Columbus Day is on the verge of becoming obsolete. Italian organizations are scrambling to keep our cultural legacy intact all the while fellow Italians are defending some of the most demeaning portrayals of us. You preach prejudice against Italians and condone it.

    "Appreciate the differences in all God's Children"

    We will never "appreciate" it when someone demeans our ancestors, heritage and culture- the same we wouldn't appreciate it if someone punched us in the nose.
